Friday, December 24, 2010


HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM ALLI AND AMELIA! (extra lovey dovey thanks to KATIE AABERG for the photo.)
We can't wait for 2011! It will be the best ever! What are you going to do to make 2011 be full of looking great (DUH!) and tigers and lightning and rock'n'roll? This new year is a new chance for us all to take it to a new level, whatever that might mean for you.
Expect lots of exciting new undertakings and BIG NEWS from us and BANG! as well...

Monday, December 13, 2010


Winter is cold and dark and wet around these parts, but don't let it dampen the fever fun attitude of summer. Here's some things to fire you up and brighten your day...
MAGAZINES. Start thinking about them.

WATCHING DESPERATLY SEEKING SUSAN WHILE IN THE BATH. It's on Netflix watch instantly. Early Madonna Looks Great, Duh. That pyramid jacket gets me everytime.
GETTING DRESSED UP AND GOING OUT. It is your job! It is fun! It is worth it. Only you can make it happen. Let's go!
BOOT STRAPS. We're making all sorts of them. It is always nice to accessorize. More is more.

RED SOCKS AND RED TIGHTS AND RED DETAILS. Also these yellow polkadot socks are fantastic, too. Red and yellow forever.